The closer you look at information technology,

the more science you can find!

The closer you look at information technology, the more science you can find!

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These are the topics included in our study of information


Cameras, Monitors, and Eyes

A television, computer monitor, or phone screen generates light.

How does the same device generate such an array of shapes and colors?

How do the signals get saved in the first place?


Ink on Paper

Why is printer ink so expensive?

How many colors of ink are necessary, and which ones?

What do the pages look like when one color runs dry?

Binary Code

Ones and Zeros

Binary code is responsible for text, sounds and pictures.

What kinds of codes are there?

How are they transmitted?

Switches and Sensors

Automated Systems

How do we transmit messages?

How do we create "smart" devices?

How do we create images on screens and on paper?


These presentations provide an overview of the content in this topic

Metal Ages Presentation
A drone
plastic pellet recycling